In Taoism, people believe that there are three Corpse-Spirits inside each one of us. On the days of Geng-Shen 庚申,one day of the 60 days cicle, the Corpse-Spirits will ascend to heaven and report on
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Philosophical and religious Daoism
Religious Daoism (道教 Daojiao) is the indigenous religion of China that holds longevity and immortality as its highest belief. It advocates attaining longevity (長生 Changsheng) and immortality (成仙 Chengxian) through a process of nourishing life
Read moreDaoist diet
If one cultivates Dao,internal practice or spiritual cultivation, depending on the practice there are restrictions on the consumption of meat, fish and sharp and pungent smelling vegetables and herbs.Spicy and pungent vegetables are also called the 5
Read moreDaoist Headwear & Hairstyles : Part 2
The secont part will introduce more items and accessories in detail and give historical background informations.
Read moreDaoist Headwear & Hairstyles : Part 1
A deep insight into daoist headwear and hair styles, introduction of the items and accessories in detail and historical background informations.
Read more天师符 Tian Shi Fu – Talisman
早坛功课经 – Zǎo Tán Gōng Kè Jīng
太上玄门早坛功课经 Tài Shàng Xuán Mén Zǎo Tán Gōng Kè Jīng 澄清韵Chéng qīng yùn 琳琅振响,十方肃清,河海静默, Lín láng zhèn xiǎng, shí fāng sù qīng, hé hǎi jìng mò, 山岳吞烟。万灵镇伏,招集群仙。 Shān yuè tūn yān. Wàn líng zhèn fú, zhāo jí qún xiān. 天无氛秽,地无妖尘。冥慧洞清, Tiān wú
Read more晚坛功课经 – Wǎn Tán Gōng Kè Jīng
太上玄门晚坛功课经 Tài Shàng Xuán Mén Wǎn Tán Gōng Kè Jīng 步虚Bù xū 大道洞玄虚,有念无不契。炼质入仙真,遂成金刚体。 Dà dào dòng xuán xū, yǒu niàn wú bù qì. Liàn zhì rù xiān zhēn, suì chéng jīn gāng tǐ. 超度三界难,地狱五苦解。悉归太上经,静念稽首礼。 Chāo
Read more三官经 – Sān Guān Jīng
白鹤飞Bái hè fēi 道场启,法筵开,稽首皈依天地水,仙家乐白鹤飞。 Dào chǎng qǐ, fǎ yán kāi, qǐ shǒu guī yī tiān dì shuǐ, xiān jiā lè bái hè fēi. 道场启,法筵开,三官大帝慈悲主,仙家乐白鹤飞。 Dào chǎng qǐ, fǎ yán kāi, sān guān dà dì cí bēi
Read more北斗经 – Běi Dǒu Jīng
步虚Bù Xū 照耀开明炬,氤氲岛慧香。经尘归紫极, Zhào yào kāi míng jù, yīn yūn dǎo huì xiāng. Jīng chén guī zǐ jí, 元气合元皇。台座辉三级,罡光射七芒。 Yuán qì hé yuán huáng. Tái zuò huī sān jí, gāng guāng shè qī máng. 皈真知命处,福寿自然长。
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