Daoist Chinese Festival in Guadalajara

On February 3, 2024, according to the lunar calendar, on the 24th day of the 12th month in the year of Gui-Mao, from 14:00 to 21:00, at El Meson De Don Miguel in the downtown area of Guadalajara, the grand Daoist Chinese Festival was held. The activities of the day included: an opening ceremony consisting of Daoist blessing rituals and lion dances, kung fu performances, lectures by various masters, and the calligraphy demonstration and give away of the character “Fu” (fortune).
The organizers of this event were the, Daoist Association Mexico and Wudang Arts Mexico. Special guests included Liu Chengyong, President of the German Daoist Association; Fan Xinrui, Secretary-General of the German Daoist Association; Shifu Gerardo Garcia Arellano, the Master in the Shaolin Arts Practice in Guadalajara Mexico; Jeanett Woong, representing the confederation of Chinese associations in Guadalajara; Joel N. Juan Qui Vega, also representing the confederation of Chinese associations in Guadalajara; and Daoist José Angel Garcia Lopez, philosopher, and writer.

At 14:00 in the afternoon, under the construction of the jade altar, Daoist Master Liu Chengyong, the high-priest adorned with a lotus crown and wearing purple robes, exuded an extraordinary aura. Four scripture masters, dressed in red robes, were solemn and devout. The hall master carried an incense burner, followed by the scripture masters and high-priest Liu, performing the altar exit ceremony, strolling through the streets with a melodious rhythm. The lion dance followed suit, immediately attracting a large crowd of passersby, many of whom eagerly took out their phones to record the scene. In just a few minutes, the atmosphere of the event reached its peak. After exiting the altar, the Taoists returned to their positions. High-priest Liu offered incense and performed rituals. The repeated bursting of the petition during the ritual symbolized the successful transmission of prayers to the heavenly realm, with the compassionate protection of the ancestors.

After the blessing ceremony, President Xindao of the Daoist Association Mexico delivered a speech, announcing the immediate establishment of the Daoist Association Mexico, promoting the Wudang Arts Mexico, and introducing various guests and an overview of the event. Following that, Daoist Master Liu Chengyong, President of the German Daoist Association, spoke, introducing Daoist culture and Wudang kung fu to the audience.

Subsequently, Hung kuen Gld
Salvador y Rosa Linda, the lion dance troupe performed the Chinese Kungfu. Héctor Juan Manuel León Silva from the Wudang Arts Mexico demonstrated Baguazhang. President Xindao of the Daoist Association Mexico demonstrated the Wudang Taiji 18 Shi. Daoist Master Liu Chengyong and Secretary-General Fan Xinrui of the German Daoist Association demonstrated Wei Tai Chi. The audience praised Chinese kung fu, applauding enthusiastically.

At 16:00 in the afternoon, there was a lecture by Daoist Master Liu Chengyong, President of the German Daoist Association, on the topic of “The Origin of Taoism.”

At 17:00, Shifu Gerardo Garcia Arellano, the Master in the Shaolin Arts & Chan Buddhism Practice in Guadalajara Mexico, gave a lecture on “Zen Buddhism and Shaolin Kung Fu.”

At 18:00, Daoist Master Liu Chengyong, President of the German Daoist Association, gave a lecture on understanding and practicing the Dao De Jing. In addition, Daoist Master Liu shared many methods of meditation.

After the lectures, Daoist Master Liu Chengyong demonstrated calligraphy, writing the character “福” (fortune) to give to everyone, bringing luck to their homes and welcoming the Chinese New Year.

At 19:00 in the evening, Daoist Master José Angel Garcia Lopez, philosopher, and writer, gave a lecture on “Tao; the Inner Teacher.”

The masters generously shared their years of experience and knowledge during the lectures, inspiring the audience on how to achieve balance and harmony in daily life, work, and family, and how to live in greater harmony with those around them. Starting from small things, they encouraged achieving inner peace and tranquility. At the same time, everyone gained a channel to understand the ancient philosophy and religious culture of China, as well as an opportunity for continued study and exploration.

The event was successfully held, further promoting Daoist culture internationally, allowing more people to learn about and understand Daoism.

Article by Fan Xin Rui , German Daoist Association

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