九天应元雷声普化天尊玉枢宝经 Jiǔ Tiān Yìng Yuán Léi Shēng Pǔ Huà Tiān Zūn Yù Shū Bǎo Jīng 步虚Bù xū 九天应元炁,歘火是真形。雷声开祖劫, Jiǔ tiān yìng yuán qì, chuā huǒ shì zhēn xíng. Léi shēng kāi zǔ jié, 闪电烛幽冥。神通示变化,圣德冠群灵。 Shǎn diàn zhú yōu míng. Shén tōng shì
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Who is “Shao-Yang Di-Jun”?
“Shao-Yang Di-Jun” is first of the Wu Zu (the Five Patriarchs). His name was Wang Cheng, lived around the 4th to 5th century. Wang Cheng is said to be a direct student of Laozi.
Read moreWho are the Wu-Zu or the Five Patriarchs of Taoist religion?
Wu-Zu refers to five most recognized Taoists (immortals) in the history. They are Wang Cheng and his student Zhong Li Quan, his second generation student Lu Dong Bin, his third generation student Liu Hai Chan,
Read moreWho are “San-Huang”, “Wu-Di”?
“San Huang” are three ancient Emperors commonly known by the names of Tian-Huang, Di-Huang and Ren-Huang. “Wu-Di” refers to five Heavenly Emperors who are the “Cang-Di of the East’, “Chi-Di of the South”, “Bai-Di of
Read moreWho is “Tian-Huang Da-Di” and “Tu-Huang Di Zhi”?
They are two of the “Four Heavenly Emperors”. “Tian-Huang Da-Di” is the one directing the North and South Poles, the sky, the earth, the people. He is also in charge of the stars and the
Read moreWho is “Bei-Ji-Da-Di” and “Chang-Shen Da-Di”?
“Bei-Ji Da-Di” , or “Zhong-Tian Zi-Wei Bei-Ji Da-Di” in full, is one of the four Heavenly Emperors, “Bei-Ji” means “the North Most”. “Bei-Ji Da-Di” helps the Jade Emperor of the Highest managing the Heavens, the
Read moreWho are the “Four Heavenly Emperors”?
The “Four Heavenly Emperors” refers to “Zhong-Tian Zi-Wei Bei-Ji Da-Di”, “Nan-Ji Chang-Shen Da-Di”, “Gou-Chen Shang-Gong Tian-Huang Da-Di” and “Cheng-Ttian Xiao-Fa Tu-Huang Di-Zhi”. These four Heavenly Emperors assist the Jade Emperor of the Highest in managing
Read moreWho is “The Jade Emperor of the Highest”?
“The Jade Emperor of the Highest” is considered the spiritual body of the highest Emperor in Heaven, the Yuan-Shi Heavenly Worthy or Yu-Qing Heavenly Worthy. Yuan-Shi (originator) Heavenly Worthy is in charge of all universes
Read moreWhat are “San-Tu” and “Wu-Ku”?
“San-Tu” in Taoism means three special places. These are the most horrifying places in the universe. They are the place in hell where the blaze of death burns, the place in hell where the animals
Read moreWhat is “San-Gui, Wu-Jie”?
“San-Gui” means seeking refuge under the Three Treasures: Tao, the Taoist Scriptures and Taoist teachers.“Wu-Jie” are the “Five don’ts”. They are: do not kill, do not steal, do not engage in immoral sex, do not
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