北斗经 Běi Dǒu Jīng + English translation

English translation below the original text


Běi Dǒu Jīng



Zhào yào kāi míng jù, yīn yūn dǎo huì xiāng. Jīng chén guī zǐ jí,


Yuán qì hé yuán huáng. Tái zuò huī sān jí, gāng guāng shè qī máng.


Guī zhēn zhī mìng chù, fú shòu zì rán cháng.

举天尊Jǔ tiān zūn

消灾延寿天尊Xiāo zāi yán shòu tiān zūn

慢澄清 Màn Chéng Qīng


Běi dǒu zhào yào zhèn zhōng tiān, dǒu zhuǎn xuán jī fú shàn piān.


Běn mìng xīng guān lái xià jiàng, mìng yóu tiān fú xiāo zāi qiān.


Shēng tiān shēng dì gēng shēng xiān, yán fú yán shòu gèng yán nián.


Zhēn wén nǎi shì huáng rén zhuàn, jīng hào jīn kǒu zì zì xuān.

香供养  消灾延寿天尊

Xiāng gòng yǎng xiāo zāi yán shòu tiān zūn

提纲 Tí gāng


Běi chén chuí xiàng xià yáo jiē, hé hàn qún xing jiàng lín lái,


Qǐ shǒu qián chéng fén xiāng gào, běi dǒu zhēn jīng lǎng rán kāi.

小启请韵 Xiǎo qǐ qǐng yùn


Dào chǎng zhòng děng, rén gè gōng jìng. Gōng duì dì qián, fèng jīng rú fǎ.


Cháng shēng bǎo mìng tiān zūn (Xiāo zāi yán shòu tiān zūn)

开经偈 Kāi jīng jì


Jí jí zhì wú zōng. Xū zhì jié rèn ā. Huō luò dòng xuán wén. Shéi cè cǐ yōu xiá.


Yī rù dà chéng lù. Shú jì nián jié duō. Bù shēng yì bù miè. Yù shēng yīn lián huā.


Chāo líng sān jiè tú. Cí xīn jiě shì luō. Zhēn rén wú shàng dé. Shì shì wéi xiān jiā.


Tài shàng xuán líng běi dǒu běn mìng yán shēng zhēn jīng


Ěr shí

太上老君, 以永寿元年,正月七日。

Tài shàng lǎo jūn, yǐ yǒng shòu yuán nián, zhēng yuè qī rì.


Zài tài qīng jìng shàng. Tài jí gōng zhōng.


Guān jiàn zhòng shēng. Yì jié piào chén. Zhōu huí shēng sǐ.

或居人道。生在中华。 或生夷狄之中。

Huò jū rén dào. Shēng zài zhōng huá. Huò shēng yí dí zhī zhōng.


Huò shēng mán róng zhī nèi. Huò fù huò guì. Huò jiàn huò pín.


Zàn jiǎ yīn yuán. Duò yú dì yù. Wéi wú dìng gù. Zuì yè qiān chán. Hún xì yīn sī.


Shòu kǔ mǎn zú. Rén dào jiāng wéi. Shēng jū chù shòu zhī zhōng.


Huò shēng qín chóng zhī shǔ.Zhuǎn guāi rén dào. Nàn fù rén shēn.


Rú cǐ chén lún. Bù zhī zì jué. Wèi xiān shì, mí zhēn zhī gù.


Shòu cǐ lún huí. Nǎi yǐ āi mǐn zhī xīn. Fēn shēn jiào huà. Huà shēn xià jiàng.


Zhì yú shǔ dū. Dì shén yǒng chū. Fú yī yù jú. Ér zuò gāo zuò.


Yú shì lǎo jūn shēng yù jú zuò. Shòu yǔ tiān shī. Běi dǒu běn mìng jīng jué.


Guǎng xuān yào fǎ. Pǔ jì zhòng shēng.


Shì shí lǎo jūn gào tiān shī yuē.


Rén shēn nán dé. Zhōng tǔ nán shēng. Jiǎ shǐ dé shēng.


Zhèng fǎ nán yù. Duō mí zhēn dào. Duō rù xié zōng. Duō zhǒng zuì gēn.


Duō sì qiǎo zhà. Duō zì yín shā. Duō hǎo qún qíng.


Duō zòng tān chēn. Duō chén dì yù. Duō shī rén shēn.


Rú cǐ děng yuán. Zhòng shēng bù wù. Bù zhī zhèng dào. Mí huò zhě duō.


Lǎo jūn cǐ děng zhòng shēng. Gù chuí jiào fǎ. Wéi shuō liáng yuán.


Lìng shǐ zhī dào. Zhī shēn xìng mìng. Jiē píng dào shēng. Liǎo wù cǐ yīn.


Cháng shēng rén dào. Zhǒng zǐ bù jué.Shì shì wéi rén.


Bù shēng wú dào zhī xiāng. Bù duàn rén zhī gēn běn.

更能心修至道。渐入仙宗。 永离轮回。超升成道。

Gèng néng xīn xiū zhì dào. Jiàn rù xiān zōng.Yǒng lí lún huí. Chāo shēng chéng dào.


Lǎo jūn shì rǔ miào fǎ. Lìng dù tiān mín. guī zhēn zhī mìng. Kě yǐ běn mìng zhī rì.


Xiū zhāi shè jiào. Qǐ zhù běi dǒu. Sān guān wǔ dì. Jiǔ fǔ sì sī. Jiàn fú xiāo zāi.


Zòu zhāng kěn yuàn.Qián chéng xiàn lǐ. Zhǒng zhǒng xiāng huā. Shí xīn wǔ guǒ.


Suí shì wēi yí. Qīng jìng tán yǔ. Fǎ tiān xiàng dì. Huò yú guān yǔ.


Huò zài jiā tíng. Suí lì jiàn gōng. Qǐng xíng fǎ shì.


Gōng dé shēn zhòng. Bù kě jù chén.


Niàn cǐ dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán zhēn jūn míng hào. Dāng dé zuì yè xiāo chú.


Zāi qiān xǐ dàng. Fú shòu zī mìng. Shàn guǒ zhēn shēn. Fán yǒu jí nàn.


Kě yǐ fén xiāng sòng jīng. Kè qī ān tài.

于是说 大圣北斗解厄应验曰:

Yú shì shuō dà shèng běi dǒu jiě è yìng yàn yuē:


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě sān zāi è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě sì shā è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě wǔ xing è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě liù hài è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě qī shāng è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě bā nàn è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě jiǔ xīng è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě fū qī è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě nán nǚ è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě chǎn shēng è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě fù lián è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě yì lì è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě jí bìng è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě jīng xié è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě hǔ láng è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě chóng shé è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě jié zéi è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě jiā bàng è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě hèng sǐ è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě zhòu shì è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě tiān luó è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě dì wǎng è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě dāo bīng è.


Dà shèng běi dǒu qī yuán jūn. Néng jiě shuǐ huǒ è.


Yú shì qī yuán jūn. Dà shèng shàn tōng líng. Jì dù zhū è nàn. Chāo chū kǔ zhòng shēng.


Ruò yǒu jí gào zhě. Chí sòng bǎo ān píng. Jǐn píng shēng bǎi fú. Xián qì yú wǔ xing.


Sān hún dé ān jiàn. Xié mèi bù néng tíng. Wǔ fāng jiàng zhēn qì. Wàn fú zì lái pián.


Cháng shēng chāo bā nàn. Jiē yóu fèng qī xīng. Shēng shēng shēn zì zài.


Shì shì bǎo shén qīng.Shàn shì guāng zhōng yǐng. Yīng rú gǔ lǐ shēng.


Sān yuán shén gòng húo. Wàn shèng yǎn tóng míng.


Wú zāi yì wú zhàng. Yǒng bǎo dào xīn níng.


Lǎo jūn yuē. Běi chén chuí xiàng. Ér zhòng xīng gǒng zhī. Wèi zào huà zhī shū jī.


Zuò rén shén zhī zhǔ zǎi. Xuān wēi sān jiè. Tǒng yù wàn líng. Pàn rén jiān, shàn è zhī qī.


Sī yīn fǔ, shì fēi zhī rì. Wǔ xing gòng bǐng. Qī zhèng tóng kē.


Yǒu huí sǐ, zhù shēng zhī gōng. Yǒu xiāo zāi, dù è zhī lì.


Shàng zhì dì wáng. Xià jí shù rén. Zūn bēi suī zé shū tú.


Mìng fèn jù wú chā bié. Fán fū zài shì. Mí miù zhě duō. Bù zhī shēn shǔ běi dǒu.


Mìng yóu tiān fǔ. Yǒu zāi yǒu huàn. Bù zhī jiě xiè zhī mén. Qí fú qí shēng.


Mò xiǎo guī yī zhī lù. Zhì shǐ hún shén bèi xì.


Huò huàn lái chán. Huò zhòng bìng bù quán. Huò xié yāo kè hài.


Lián nián kùn dǔ. Lěi suì zhūn zhān. Zhǒng sòng zhēng hū. Xiān wáng fù lián.


Huò shàng tiān qiǎn zé. Huò xià guǐ sù wū. Ruò yǐ cǐ wēi è. Rú hé jiù jiě.


Ji xū tóu gào běi dǒu. Jiào xiè zhēn jūn. Jí zhuǎn zhēn jīng.

认本命真君。方获安泰。 以至康荣。

Rèn běn mìng zhēn jūn. Fāng huò ān tài. Yǐ zhì kāng róng.


Gèng yǒu shēn miào bù kě jǐn shù. Fán jiàn běi dǒu zhēn xíng. Dǐng lǐ gōng jìng.

北斗第一, 阳明贪狼太星君, 子生人属之。

Běi dǒu dì yī, yáng míng tān láng tài xīng jūn, zǐ shēng rén shǔ zhī.

北斗第二, 阴精巨门元星君,丑亥生人属之。

Běi dǒu dì èr, yīn jīng jù mén yuán xīng jūn, chǒu hài shēng rén shǔ zhī.

北斗第三, 真人禄存贞星君,寅戌生人属之。

Běi dǒu dì sān, zhēn rén lù cún zhēn xīng jūn, yín xū shēng rén shǔ zhī.

北斗第四, 玄冥文曲纽星君,卯酉生人属之。

Běi dǒu dì sì, xuán míng wén qū niǔ xīng jūn, mǎo yǒu shēng rén shǔ zhī.

北斗第五, 丹元廉贞罡星君,辰申生人属之。

Běi dǒu dì wǔ, dān yuán lián zhēn gāng xīng jūn, chén shēn shēng rén shǔ zhī.

北斗第六, 北极武曲纪星君,巳未生人属之。

Běi dǒu dì liù, běi jí wǔ qū jì xīng jūn, sì wèi shēng rén shǔ zhī.

北斗第七, 天冲破军关星君,午生人属之。

Běi dǒu dì qī, tiān chōng pò jūn guān xīng jūn, wǔ shēng rén shǔ zhī.

北斗第八, 洞明外辅星君。

Běi dǒu dì bā, dòng míng wài fǔ xīng jūn.

北斗第九, 隐光内弼星君。

Běi dǒu dì jiǔ, yǐn guāng nèi bì xīng jūn.

上台虚精, 开德星君。

Shàng tái xū jīng, kāi dé xīng jūn.

中台六淳, 司空星君。

Zhōng tái liù chún, sī kōng xīng jūn.

下台曲生, 司禄星君。

Xià tái qū shēng, sī lù xīng jūn.


Rú shì zhēn jūn míng hào. Bù kě dé wén. Fán yǒu jiàn wén. Néng chí niàn zhě.


Jiē dào xīn shēn zhòng. Sù yǒu shàn yuán. Dé wén chí sòng. Qí gōng dé lì.


Mò kě chēng liáng. Ruò zhèng xìn nán nǚ. Zhí cǐ zhēn jīng. Zhì huì xìng yuán.


Dào xīn kāi fā. Chū qún mí jìng. Rù xī yí mén. Guī fèng zhēn zōng. Dá shēng róng jiè.


Yú sān yuán bā jié. Běn mìng shēng chén. Běi dǒu xià rì. Yán zhì tán chǎng.


Zhuan Jīng zhāi jiào. Yī yí xíng dào. Qí fú wú biān. Shì shì shēng shēng.


Bù wéi zhēn xìng. Bù rù xié jiàn. Chí jīng zhī rén.


Cháng chí sòng qī yuán zhēn jūn, suǒ shǔ zūn hào.Shàn gōng yuán mǎn.


Yì jiàng jí xiáng. Jí shuō běi dǒu zhòu yuē:


Běi dǒu jiǔ chén. Zhōng tiān dà shén. Shàng cháo jīn quē. Xià fù kūn lún.


Diáo lǐ gāng jì. Tǒng zhì qián kūn. Dà kuí tān láng. Jù mén lù cún.


Wén qū lián zhēn. Wǔ qū pò jūn. Gāo shàng yù huáng. Zǐ wēi dì jūn.


Dà zhōu fǎ jiè. Xì rù wéi chén. Hé zāi bù miè. Hé fú bù zhēn.


Yuán huáng zhèng qì. Lái hé wǒ shēn. Tiān gāng suǒ zhǐ. Zhòu yè cháng lún.


Chí sòng dì zǐ; hǎo dào qiú líng. Yuàn jiàn zūn yí. Yǒng bǎo cháng shēng.


Sān tái xū jīng. Liù chún qū shēng. Shēng wǒ yǎng wǒ. Hù wǒ shēn xíng.

, 尊帝急急如律令

kuí shaò huān hāng bì fǔ piào,  zūn dì jí ji rú lǜ lìng.   (7x)


Lǎo jūn yuē. Fán rén xìng mìng wǔ tǐ. Xī shǔ běn mìng xīng guān zhī zhǔ zhǎng.


Běn mìng shén jiāng. Běn xiù xīng guān. Cháng chuí yīn yòu. Zhǔ chí rén mìng.


Shǐ bǎo tiān nián. Fán sú wú zhī. Zhōng shēn bù wù. Fū běn mìng xīng guān.

每岁六度, 降在人间。降日为,本命限期。

Měi suì liù dù, jiàng zài rén jiān. Jiàng rì wéi ,běn mìng xiàn qí.

有南陵使者,三千人。北斗真君, 七千神将。

Yǒu nán líng shǐ zhě, sān qiān rén. Běi dǒu zhēn jūn, qī qiān shén jiāng.


Běn mìng zhēn guān jiàng jià. Zhòng zhēn xī lái yǒng hù.


Kě yǐ xiāo zāi chàn zuì. Qǐng fú yán shēng. Suí lì zhāng jiào. Fú dé zēng chóng.


Qí yǒu běn mìng. Xiàn qī jiāng zhì. Zì shēn bù zhī.


Bù shè zhāi jiào. Bù xiū xiāng huǒ. Cǐ wéi qīng shēng mí běn.

不贵人身。天司夺禄, 减算除年。多致夭丧。迷误之者。

Bù guì rén shēn. Tiān sī duó lù, jiǎn suàn chú nián. Duō zhì yāo sàng. Mí wù zhī zhě.

虽遇经诀。怀不信心。毁谤真文。如此之人。身谢 之后。

Suī yù jīng jué. Huái bù xìn xīn. Huǐ bàng zhēn wén. Rú cǐ zhī rén. Shēn xiè zhī hòu.


Lún mò sān tú. Piào chén zhū qù. Yǒng shī rén shēn. Shēn kě bēi āi. Zì zhì sī kǔ.


Ruò běn mìng zhī rì. Néng xiū zhāi jiào. Shàn dá tiān sī. Yī shì yú, běn mìng xiàn qí.

开转真经。广陈供养。使三生, 常为男子身。

Kāi zhuǎn zhēn jīng. Guǎng chén gòng yǎng. Shǐ sān shēng, cháng wèi nán zǐ shēn.

富 贵聪明。人中殊胜。其有生身果薄。虽在人中。

Fù guì cōng míng. Rén zhōng shū shèng. Qí yǒu shēng shēn guǒ báo. Suī zài rén zhōng.


Pín qióng xià jiàn. Zòng zhī běn mìng. Wú lì xiū chóng. Néng zhuó shuǐ xiàn huā.

冥心望北极。稽首礼拜。念本命星君, 名号者。亦不虚过。

Míng xīn wàng běi jí. Qǐ shǒu lǐ bài. Niàn běn mìng xīng jūn, Míng hào zhě. Yì bù xū guò.


Běn mìng xiàn qí. jiē dé yán shēng zhù fú. Xì xì rén shēn. Zāi è juān chú. Huò fú wú liàng.

天师欢喜。踊跃作礼。赞叹难可得遇, 无上法桥。

Tiān shī huān xǐ. Yǒng yao zuò lǐ. Zàn tàn nán kě dé yù, wú shàng fǎ qiáo.


Lǎo jūn zhòng gào tiān shī yuē. Shì rén zuì fú shàn è, jiē shǔ tiān sī. Chàn zuì xiāo zāi.

莫越修奉。遇本命生辰。告身中, 元辰驿马。

Mò yuè xiū fèng. Yù běn mìng shēng chén. Gào shēn zhōng, yuán chén yì mǎ.


Xuē luò sān zāi jiǔ è. Bǎo xiàn jīn juàn shǔ ān níng. Fán yǒu shàng shì.


Yú běn mìng shēng chén. Chí cǐ zhēn wén zhě. Wài fú mó jīng. Nèi ān zhēn xìng.

功霑水陆。善及存 亡。悔过虔恭。

Gōng zhān shuǐ lù. Shàn jí cún wáng. Huǐ guò qián gōng.

渐登妙果。重立玄功。证虚无道, 乃得圣智圆通。

Jiàn dēng miào guǒ. Zhòng lì xuán gōng. Zhèng xū wú dào, nǎi dé shèng zhì yuán tōng.


Yǐn xiǎn mò cè. Chū yǒu rù wú. Xiāo yáo yún jì. Shēng rù jīn mén. Yǔ shèng hé zhēn.


Shēn chāo sān jiè. Yǒng bù lún zhuǎn. Shòu liàng wú qióng. Kuài lè zì zài.

凡有男女, 于本命生辰。及诸斋日。清静身心。

Fán yǒu nán nǚ, yú běn mìng shēng chén. Jí zhū zhāi rì. Qīng jìng shēn xīn.


Fén xiāng chí cǐ zhēn wén. Zì rèn běi jí. Běn mìng suǒ shǔ xīng jūn. Suí xīn dǎo zhù.


Shàn wú bù yìng. Zāi zuì xiāo chú. Zhì  gǎn wàn shèng qiān zhēn. Jù lái wèi hù.

此文所在 之处。千真敬礼。万胜护持。魔鬼潜消。

Cǐ wén suǒ zài zhī chù. Qiān zhēn jìng lǐ. Wàn shèng hù chí. Mó guǐ qián xiāo.


Jīng líng fú nì. Shì yǒu zāi yāng. Xī jiē xiāo miè.

是名北斗, 本命延生经诀。

Shì míng běi dǒu, běn mìng yán shēng jīng jué.


Nǎi xiū zhēn zhī jìng lù. Dé dào xiāo yáo. Jiē yīn cǐ jīng. Zhèng shèng chéng zhēn.

皆因此经。出 离生死。皆因此经。

Jiē yīn cǐ jīng. Chū lí shēng sǐ. Jiē yīn cǐ jīng.


Bǎo hù nán nǚ. Jiē yīn cǐ jīng. Bǎo mìng yán nián.


Jiē dé zì zài. Yǒng wèi shēn bǎo. Fú shòu kě chēng.


Bǎo ér jìng zhī. Fēi rén wù shì.Lǎo jūn shuō jīng jiāng bì.


Lóng hè tiān xiān lái yíng. Huan yú yù jīng. Shì shí tiān shī shòu dé miào fǎ.

而作是言。誓愿流行。以传善士。若有男女, 受持读诵。

Ér zuò shì yán. Shì yuàn liú xíng. Yǐ chuán shàn shì. Ruò yǒu nán nǚ, shòu chí dú sòng.

天师与十戒仙官, 所在拥护。于是再拜老君

Tian Shi yǔ shí jiè xiān guān, suǒ zài yǒng hù. Yú shì zài bài lǎo jūn,


Ér shuō zàn yuē


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Běn mìng jiàng zhēn líng.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Zhái shě dé ān níng.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Fù mǔ bǎo cháng shēng.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Zhū yàn huà wéi chén.


Jiā yǒu  běi dǒu jīng. Wàn xié zì guī zhèng.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Yíng yè dé chēng qíng.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Hé mén zì kāng jiàn.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Zǐ sūn bǎo róng shèng.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Wǔ lù zì tōng dá.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Zhòng è yǒng xiāo miè.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Liù chù bǎo xīng shèng.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Jí bìng dé quán chài.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Cái wù bù xū hào.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Hèng shì yǒng bù qǐ.


Jiā yǒu běi dǒu jīng. Chǎng bǎo hēng lì zhēn.


Lǎo jūn yuē. Shàn zāi shàn zāi. Rǔ kě xuān yáng zhèng jiào. Fú lì wú biān.


Pǔ jí zhòng shēng. Yǒng zhān shèng shàn. Tiān shī qǐ shǒu lǐ xiè. Xìn shòu fèng xíng.


Tài shàng xuán líng běi dǒu běn mìng yán shēng zhēn jīng

斗姆宝诰Dòu mǔ bǎo gào


Zhì xīn guī mìng lǐ


Xī tiān zhú guó, dà zhì guāng zhōng, zhēn kōng miào xiāng fǎ wáng shī,


Wú shàng xuán yuán tiān mǔ zhǔ, jīn guāng shuò chù, rì yuè qián huī, bǎo chǔ xuán shí,


Guǐ shén shī sè, xiǎn líng zōng yú chén shì, wèi shèng jià yú yán fú,


Zhòng shēng yǒu nán ruò chēng míng, dà shì xún shēng lái jiù kǔ,


Dà bēi dà yuàn, dà shèng dà cí, shèng dé jù guāng tiān hòu,


Mó lì pū tiān dà shèng, Yuán míng dòu lǎo yuán jūn.

土地咒Tǔ dì zhòu


Jīng tán tǔ dì, shén zhī zuì líng, shēng tiān dá dì, chū yōu rù míng,


Wèi wú guān zòu, bù dé liú tíng, yǒu gōng zhī rì, míng shū shàng qīng.

结经偈Jié jīng jì


Xiàng lái sòng jīng gōng dé, shàng fèng gāo zhēn, xià bǎo píng ān, cì fú xiāo zāi,


Tóng lài shàn gōng, zhèng wú shàng dào, yī qiè xìn lǐ.


Zhì xīn chēng niàn


Cháng shēng bǎo mìng tiān zūn. Bù kě sī yì gōng dé.

北斗小赞Běi dǒu xiǎo zàn


Zhōng tiān dà shèng, qī yuán xīng jūn, tān láng jù mén lù cún xīng.


Wén qū gòng lián zhēn, wǔ qū pò jūn, fǔ bì miǎn zāi zhūn.

English Translation

Scripture of the Northern Dipper

Melody of the steps in the void

Shining and blooming bright, island of wisdom with dense fragrance.

Scripture returning dust to the purple pole, original Qi unites original stars.

Pedestal shining on three levels, strong radiance send out in seven thorns.

Return to the truth and understanding the dwell of fate,

good fortune and long life will naturally last long.

Praise Celestial Worthy

Celestial worthy who protects fate and prolongs life

Slow clarification Melody

Bei Dou illuminates the town of middle heaven, the Star turns to Xuan Ji’s good luck chapter.

Star officer of personal fate came to descend,

fate causes heavens blessing to avoid calamities and faults.

Bear heaven bear earth also bear immortals, prolong luck, prolong life and prolong years.

The true text is sealed by the emperor, the scriptures are proclaimed in golden words

Offering of incense to the Celestial Worthy who dispel calamities and prolong life.


North star appears to go down precious stairs,

many stars in the Galaxy returning.

Bowing devoutly burning incense and declare,

the true scripture of Bei Dou is clearly opening.

Melody of the lesser request

Daoist rituals, masses are waiting. All people are respectfully.

With all respect encounter Dao, Chanting the scriptures according to the rules.

Hymn to the opening of the Holy Scriptures

Quiet and still reaching back to the spring-less eons looming in the void.

The deep and deep writings that can recognize their deep truth and infer from it.

On the Path of Great Advancement, who can count the years lived in an eon?

Neither born nor dying, this wish is borne by the lotus flower.

The heart of compassion transcends and transcends the three realms

and brings liberation to many people in the world.

The perfected man of the highest virtue will be immortal for all time.

True Scripture of Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou about prolonging life and one´s fate  

That time,

Tai Shang Lao Jun, in the year Yong Shou Yuan, on 7th day of the 1st month. In the region of highest clarity, in the palace of Taiji, Observing all beings, Many disaster float and sink,

Turning place of death and birth, Either dwelling the human journey, Being born in China (Zhong Hua), Either born into a tribe, Either born into an army, Either rich and valuable, Either poor and worthless, Temporary deception because of fate, Let go of the earthly prison, Do not settle cause, Evil professions drag and bind. Soul connects to the profound officer. Repent suffering full and satisfying. Human journey´s general disobey In the midst of life raising beasts. Some life belongs to capturing worms. Turn around the human path. Difficulties return to human body. Same as sink and being lost. If oneself does not wake up. To govern the former generation confused true cause. Accept this returning wheel. Thus lead to pity and grieve in the heart. Separate the body teach transformation. Transforming the body below descend. Reach the capital of Shu. Earth god appears. Protect one Jade office. And arise high stand. Take the right of Lao Jun ascend to Jade office seat. Transmitted by the Heavenly Master. Northern Dipper original commandment scripture  Broad declare seek method. Universal aid for all beings

This time Lao Jun Gao Tian Zun speaking:

It is difficult to obtain the human body. It is hard to be born in the middle land (China)

Deception cause appropriate life. Pure method hardly comes across

More confuse true Dao. More enter evil clans. More seed sinful roots. More indulging in skillful swindle.

More indulge in licentious slaughter. More find pleasing in group sentiments. More indulge in being greedy and angry. More submerge the earth prison. More lose the human body.

Like this grade fate. All life will not realize. Not knowing the pure Dao. Lose more confused individuals. Today I mournful observe. This grade of all being. Hence letting down the teaching of method. Be talking good fate. Command and order to understand Dao.

Knowing the body´s character and fate. Everybody rely on Dao life.

Realizing the cause in order to attain long life in human Dao.

Breed the heir not to break off. The world govern the human.

Not developing countries not following the doctrine.

Not cutting off humans root of origin. Further more achieve the heart cultivating true Dao.

Gradually enter the lineage of immortals . Perpetually turning the wheel.

Surpass the ascend completing the path. Hence I manifest the mysterious principle.

Command the nature of heavenly citizens. Return to real understanding of fate

May command the origin of fate this day. Cultivate vegetarian diet display religious service.

Begin to pray for blessings of Bei Dou, San Guan (Three officials),  Wu Di (Five emperors), Nine prefectures and four offices. Recommend blessing and melt away calamities

Report to the section of sincere virtue. Act honest and show courtesy

Seed fragrant flowers. New era of five fruits.

Submit to the era of powerful rites. Pure and clean Altar house

Principle of heaven resemble the earth. Again observe the structure

At residence yard. Submit to the ability to establish merits

Request to do the principles duty.

Merits are deep and significant. Can not be drawn up and displayed

Study the great holy name of the seven original true officers.

Just obtain evil profession to vanish and eliminate.

Calamities decrease and are cleared.

Good fortune, long life and wealthy fate. Merit fruits reach the body.

Ordinary have pressing difficulties. Can burn incense and recite scriptures

Overcome this period steady and superior.

As to speak the great holy north dipper untie difficulties must examine the call.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of three calamities.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of four slaughters.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of five elements.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of six harms

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of seven injuries

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of eight difficulties.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of nine stars.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of husband and wife.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of man and woman.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of giving birth.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of continues return.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of epidemic ulcer.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of suffering decease.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of evil spirit.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of tiger and wolfs.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of worms and snakes.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of being taken by thief.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of scaffold punishment (Public humiliation).

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of sudden death.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of curse and swear.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of heavenly net.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of earthly net.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of knife and soldier.

Great holy north dipper seven original true officers,

are able to untie the difficulties of water and fire.

As it is the seven original true officers, great sacred good communicate with souls.

Help the needed with all their difficulties,

surpass the appearance of suffering in multitude beings.

Same as having urgent announcements, sustain recite protect serenity.

Rely the life on hundred blessings, unite in bond as five elements.

Three souls obtain tranquility and strength, evil and demon can not suspend.

Five direction drop true qi, ten thousand blessings come together by oneself.

Long life surpass eight difficulties, everyone receive seven stars.

After birth the body oneself exists, the world protected by peaceful gods.

Good as light reflect in the shadows, should be like sound in the valley.

Three original gods protect together, ten thousand sacred eyes similar brilliant.

No calamities merely don´t separate, eternal protect Dao and heart is peaceful.

Lao Jun Speaks:

Northern celestial suspends the shape, Similar to the masses of stars salute towards them.

Begin the change at the pivot moment. Being a human the gods govern

Proclaim power in the three realms.  Command the chariot of ten thousand spirits

In the place of discriminated people the good overcome the evil.

Control Yin governs is bad for the eyes.  Five elements occupy the petition.

Seven governments are the sections. Having the merit of turning around death and life.

Having the ability to melt away calamities and pass through distress.

Above the ruler arrives, below retrieve numerous people.

Honour the humble even if the rule is a different way.

Fate divide all and does not differ. Ordinary men exist in the world.

Confused and false people are many. Not knowing the body belongs to the northern dipper.

Fate is caused by heavenly mansion. There are calamities and there is suffering.

Not knowing appreciation is the door to untie these. Praying for happiness praying for life. Not knowing how to return to the true path. Causes the soul and spirit to suffering.

Misfortune and suffering return to bind. Either difficult illness can not be healed.

Either evil demons overcome and damage. Continuous years surround by sincere.

Implicate years hesitation. Grand dispute proof the cry out.

Previous death return continuously. Either above heaven denounce one´s responsibility. Either below ghost make false accusations. Similar to having dangerous distress.

How to save and untie.  Urgent´s have to be reported to Bei Dou.

Ceremony to thank the true deity. Continue to spread the true scripture.

Recognize the ruler of the own fate. Just obtain tranquil superior.

Thus reach peaceful glory. Much more like the deep mysterious.

That can not exhaust. All observe the true shape of the northern dipper.

The summit of courtesy respectful in honour.

Bei Dou the first     Yang Ming Tan Lang Tai Xing Jun , belong to born in Zi

Bei Dou the second   Yin Jing Ju Men Yuan Xing Jun , belong to born in Chou and Hai

Bei Dou the third     Zhen Ren Lu Cun Zhen Xing Jun , belong to born in Yin and Xu

Bei Dou the fourth   Xuan Ming Wen Qu Niu Xing Jun , belong to born in Mao and You

Bei Dou the fifth     Dan Yuan Lian Zhen Gang Xing Jun , belong to born in Chen and Shen

Bei Dou the sixth     Bei Ji Wu Qu Ji Xing Jun , belong to born in Si and Wei

Bei Dou the seventh  Tian Guan Po Jun Guan Xing Jun , belong to born in Wu

Bei Dou the eighth   Dong Ming Wai Fu Xing Jun

Bei Dou the ninth    Yin Guang Nei Bi Xing Jun

Shang Tai Xu Jing   Kai De Xing Jun

Zhong Tai Liu Chun   Si Kong Xing Jun

Xia Tai Qu Sheng Si Lu Xing Jun

Like the true officer´s name symbol. It can not be heard.

Ordinary are observing to know. One can sustain studies.

All methods are valued deep in the heart. Rest the good cause.

Obtain the knowledge sustain chanting. The merits have influences.

Can not name or measure. Same as true male and female believer.

The price are true scriptures. Wisdom and intelligence complete the character.

Dao heart start to release. Leave groups of confused directly. Enter the gate to ancient tribes. Return to serve the ancestors. Reach the life of the glory world. At San Yuan and eight festivals. Our own fate is born. The day the northern dipper is coming down.

Strictly build an altar. Turn the scriptures and study the ceremony. Rely on the rites and accomplish Dao. This blessing has no border. The world and the life. Does not disobey true nature. Does not enter evil perceptions. People hold the scriptures.

Frequently chanting the name of the seven origin true ruler.

Good merits will be full. Again descending is a good sign.

Immediately speak the Incantation of the big dipper:

Northern Dipper nine celestial bodies, deity of the middle of heaven.

Go up to gather in the golden palace, below return to Kun Lun mountain.

Change the reasons of history, unite Qian and Kun.

Great leader Tan Lang , Ju Men , Lu Cun, Wen Qu , Lian Zhen , Wu Qu and Po Jun.

High superior Jade Emperor, supreme ruler Zi Wei.

Big circle of heavenly realm, entering like fine dust.

Enquire calamities to extinguish, enquire superior blessings.

Original ruler´s pre-heaven Qi, come unite with my body.

Tian Gang show the direction, day and night turning frequently, unrefined live of small people, good Daoists seek the spiritual world.

Sincere observe the honour ceremony, eternally protect the long life.

Three elders Xu Jing, Liu Chun and Qu Sheng.

Bear me and raise me, guard my human body.

Lao Jun speaking:

All people´s fate has five bodies. Known as the root of fate in the hand of the officer of stars.

The spiritual general of root of fate. The own star officer. Frequently gives protection and help. Master that supports peoples fate. Causing protection during the celestial year. All social customs won´t be recognized. Finally the body will not realize.

Man´s own fate true officer. Every year six times pass through.

Descend into the human realm. Descending day is bound to the own fate.

There is a messenger coming from the southern hill for three thousand people.

True ruler of the Northern dipper. Seven thousand spiritual generals.

True official of one´s fate descend the carriage.  Masses of true students come to embrace the guard. Can wash away calamities and repent crimes. Request blessing and postpone life. Follow the power of the chapter of Daoist ceremony. Blessings and morality increase honor.

This own fate´s boundaries will reach its limits. The own body does not know.

Don´t display religious service. Don´t cultivate incense fire. This will easily confuse the root.

Not value human bodies. Celestial officer will take away the prosperity.

Decrease this elimination for years. Many will die young. Confused make mistakes.

Although encountering scriptures. Does not bear the heart of a believer.

Destroy the true works. Similar to these people. After thanking for the body. Become lost and sink down three roads. Floating and sinking in various ways. Forever losing the human body. Deep sorrow and pity. Oneself causes this suffering.

The day the own fate arrives. Can cultivate and study Daoist ceremonies.

Good will reach the celestial office. An era of boundaries for one´s fate.

Begin spreading the true scriptures. Broad display of worship and support.

Cause three life’s being in a male body. Wealthy and intelligent.

Special in the middle of people. There are those born poor.

Although poor in the middle of people. Below poor is worthless.

Indulge in understanding one´s fate. No capability to cultivate honor.

Able to serve water and offer flowers. Deep in the heart look at the north pole.

Examine the leader and do obeisance. Think of the title of the true ruler of one´s fate.

Not just false passing. The boundary limits are all obtained.

Postpone life and concentrated blessing. Connect to the human body.

Calamities and difficulties will eliminated. Receive non measurable blessings.

Celestial master is joyful. Leap and begin to make courtesy.

Aid those in difficulties and reward encounter. Nothing is above this method.

The heavenly master Lao Jun speaks a valuable announcement.

World of people sin and blessing, good and evil. All belong to heavenly office.

Regret sins and melt away calamities. Do not exceed cultivate respect.

Encounter one´s fate celestial life. Inform the body about the original celestial wild horse.

Pare the three calamities and nine difficulties. Carefully observe today´s interest in tranquility and serenity. All are superior scholars. Similar to one´s fate celestial life. Recite these true words. Externally conceal evil spirits. Internally safe the true nature.

Merits benefit water and land. Good can survive death. Pass remorse and act respectful.

Gradually will raise the mysterious fruits. Value the establishment of profound merits.

Confirm false are not the Dao. Just obtaining sacred wisdom complete passing.

Hidden manifestation can not measure. Outcome is substantial, intake is not substantial.

Carefree moving borders. Go through the golden gate. With the sacred truly unite.

The body surpasses three realms. Eternal wheel stops turning.

Fulfilled long life and not poor. Happily being oneself. All men and women.

Because of one´s fate celestial life. Attain various studies a day.

Clear and pure body and heart. Burn incense recite these true words.

Naturally recognize the north pole. One´s fate belong to the ruler of the stars.

Listen to the heart and pray for blessing. There is nothing the good must not.

Calamities and sins vanish and eliminate. Caused by ten thousand sacred and thousand true ones. All come for protection. These words are at this place. Thousand true ones honor courtesy. Ten thousand sacred protect the reciting.

Demons and ghosts hide and vanish. Spiritual souls lie hidden. The world has calamities and disasters. Know and all vanish.

The right name is Bei Dou (northern dipper).

One´s fate prolong lifetime scripture. Those cultivating the true scripture path.

Obtain Dao carefree.

All because this scripture , proof the sacred is true.

All because this scripture , banish away life and death.

All because this scripture , protect men and women.

All because this scripture , guard the fate and prolong life.

All obtained by itself.

Forever the treasure of the body. Blessing and long life may call.

Protect and honor it. Untrue people never manifest.

Lao Jun speaking the scripture will conclude.

Dragon, cranes and heavenly immortals come to receive.

Also towards the jade capital.  At the right time heavenly master receives the obtained of mysterious method. Like creating these words. Swear sincerely moving forward.

Transmitting to the good scholars. Similar to men and women.

Receiving the chanting. I accept ten warnings of immortal officials. Being supportive.

Doing obeisance to Lao Jun again.

And speak this to assist:

Having the scripture of Bei Dou (northern dipper) at home, one´s fate descend true soul

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, residence house obtaining peace and serenity

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, protect the parents long life

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, all dislikes change to dust

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, ten thousand evils return to normal by themself

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, business obtains success

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, all doors become peaceful and healthy by themself

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, children and grandchildren are protected and flourish

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, five roads are smooth by themself

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, masses of evil will forever vanish

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, six domestic animals raised thriving

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, suffering illness will be healed and recover

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, finances will not be use up

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, crossing affairs will not rise

Having the scripture of Bei Dou at home, long protected smooth lucky virtuousness

Lao Jun Speaks:

Good beginning, good beginning. You may proclaim praise pure teachings. Blessing and luck will not change. Widespread recovering masses life. Forever benefit from the good.

Celestial master bow in courtesy of appreciation.

Faithfully accepting and followed its deed

True Scripture of Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou about prolonging life and one´s fate  

Declaration of Dou Mu

With the greatest devotion of the turning-of-life ceremony

In western heaven India country, big wisdom in the middle of light,

True emptiness mysterious shape of the master of majestic method,

Nothing exists above the profound origin lord heavenly mother,

Golden light shine on the place, sun and moon hide their brilliance,

The era of treasure pestle´s return, ghosts and spirits lose their color,

Manifested spirit in the world of dust,

Protect the sacred carriage floating at the entrance,

Masses of beings have difficulties called the name,

Great scholars seek the voice coming to the rescue from suffering,

Great sorrow and great virtue,

Great divine and great benevolent,

Sacred virtue great light heavenly sovereign,

Heavenly holy Mo Li Po, sphere of light celestial worthy mother of Dao .

Incantation of the Earth God

The earth god of this biblical altar, his spirit, is most effective.

He rises to heaven and reaches into the earth.

He exists and enters the dark underworld and presents the memorial and the gates.

It must not be delayed or remain. On the day the merit is obtained,

his name will also be entered in the book of Shang Qing.

Scripture closing Hymn

We always offer the merits we have gained by reciting scriptures,

upwards to the Most Perfect and downwards to ensure protection and peace.

To give blessings and to avoid misfortune. We rely on our own earnings to witness the unsurpassed Dao.

With full faith in these rites and with a devotional spirit,

we sing of the celestial worthy who prolongs life and protects fate, inconceivable merit.

Bei Dou small praise

Great sovereign of the middle heaven, seven origins stars lords,

Tan Lang, Ju Men, Lu Cun stars,Wen Qu in company with Lian Zhen, Wu Qu  and Po Jun, Fu and Bi avert tough calamities.

Download Scriptures + Translations

Translation by Daoist Liu

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