2nd Layperson Daoist Precept Ceremony held in Ji Nan

From September 28th to 29th of 2024, the Jinan Taoist Jiachen Altar Second Layperson Precept Ceremony 济南道教甲辰坛第二届居士戒典礼 was successfully held at the 洞真观 Dongzhen Temple on Wufeng Mountain in Changqing, under the guidance of the Shandong Provincial Taoist Association and hosted by the Jinan Taoist Association.

Officials from the Shandong Provincial Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee, the Jinan Municipal United Front Work Department, and the Changqing District United Front Work Department, along with responsible persons from relevant departments, attended the ceremony.

Also present were Zhang Chengda (张诚达 Zhāng Chéngdá), Vice President of the China Taoist Association and President of the Shandong Provincial Taoist Association; Li Zongqing (李宗清 Lǐ Zōngqīng), Vice President of the Shandong Provincial Taoist Association and President of the Jinan Taoist Association; Liu Miao (刘淼 Liú Miǎo), Secretary General of the Shandong Provincial Taoist Association; Xie Gaohui (解高慧 Xiè Gāohuì), Supervisor of Zixiao Palace on Mount Wudang; Zhang Xinshan (张信善 Zhāng Xìnshàn), Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Zixiao Palace on Mount Wudang; Liu Chengyong (刘诚勇 Liú Chéngyǒng), President of the German Taoist Association; Li Chengdao (李诚道 Lǐ Chéngdào) of the Cishengtang in Fengyuan, Taiwan; Yang Chenghua (杨诚化 Yáng Chénghuà); Wu Chengxing (吴诚行 Wú Chéngxíng) of Xuanshengdian in Taiwan; Sun Yude (孙宇德 Sūn Yǔdé), Vice President of the Shandong Provincial Taoist Association; Qin Qingheng (秦清恒 Qín Qīnghéng), President of the Zibo City Boshan Taoist Association; Hu Qingzheng (胡清正 Hú Qīngzhèng), President of the Qingzhou City Taoist Association; Li Yugu (李宇谷 Lǐ Yǔgǔ), head of Yuhuang Temple in Gangcheng, and more than 400 other people, including local Taoist clergy, laypeople, and disciples, participated in the ceremony.

Laypersons, also known as home practitioners (在家修行者 zàijiā xiūxíng zhě), are disciples of the Taoist Gate (玄门 Xuánmén) who take refuge in the Three Treasures (三宝 sānbǎo) and observe the Five Precepts (五戒 wǔjiè). Only through a significant karmic connection can they receive the Ten Initial True Precepts (初真十戒 chūzhēn shíjiè). Although they do not live in temples, their daily practices are the same. If they practice sincerely and faithfully, they will surely attain union with the Dao. By doing good and benefiting others, they will receive infinite karmic rewards. Both laypeople and Taoist priests are descendants of the Taoist lineage of Taishang Xuánmén (太上玄门 Tàishàng Xuánmén), and both should bear the responsibility of promoting the Great Dao. The layperson precepts are the golden rules that must be followed to enter the Dao, the gateway to the Dao, and the starting point for cultivation. Taoist scriptures require that lay disciples receiving precepts must “prevent the arising of ten evils, act without thought or intention, and cultivate the Dao with a single mind, removing worldly desires and using the precepts as their teacher.”

The event began with a solemn flag-raising ceremony. As the majestic national anthem played, all attendees watched the five-star red flag rise slowly.

Li Zongqing (李宗清 Lǐ Zōngqīng), President of the Jinan Taoist Association, delivered a welcoming speech, expressing heartfelt gratitude to the leaders at all levels for their attendance and guidance. He also welcomed Taoist friends from Germany, Taiwan, and the newly precepted laypeople. He hoped that all the new lay disciples would abide by the law, observe the precepts, maintain proper faith and actions, and progress in their learning and cultivation. Li Zongqing also emphasized that the entire Taoist community in the city should take this event as an opportunity to continue to uphold the banner of loving the Party, loving the country, and loving socialism, adhere to the sinicization of Taoism, and promote the Taoist virtues of “supreme goodness like water” (上善若水 shàngshàn ruòshuǐ), the value of simplicity and authenticity (抱朴守真 bàopǔ shǒuzhēn), and the Taoist spirit of harmony between Heaven and humanity (天人合一 tiānrén héyī). By inheriting and promoting China’s excellent traditional culture, they would strive to ensure the healthy transmission of Taoism in the city.

Zhang Chengda (张诚达 Zhāng Chéngdá), Vice President of the China Taoist Association and President of the Shandong Provincial Taoist Association, acknowledged the achievements of the Jinan Taoist Association in recent years and offered several hopes and expectations for all Taoist practitioners. First, they must continue the excellent tradition of loving the country and loving Taoism (爱国爱教 àiguó àijiào), uphold the Party, abide by the law, and strengthen their faith. Second, they must adhere to the Three Refuges (三皈 sānguī) and take the Five Precepts (五戒 wǔjiè) as their guide, diligently observing the precepts with unwavering resolve. Third, they must honor their teachers and nourish the Dao (奉师养道 fèng shī yǎng dào), resist the commercialization of Taoism, and actively contribute to society, fostering religious harmony and social stability, thus contributing to the realization great dream of world harmony.

For this ceremony, the following appointments were made: 卢怀霖 Lú Huáilín from the Tianjin Taoist Orchestra was appointed as the General Affairs Master of the Precept Altar; 李宗清 Lǐ Zōngqīng, Abbot of Sanqing Temple on Thousand Buddha Mountain in Jinan, was appointed as the Precept Master; 温清辰 Wēn Qīngchén, Abbot of Fengyun Temple on Dafeng Mountain in Jinan, was appointed as the Witnessing Master; and 罗至发 Luó Zhìfā, Abbot of Sanyuan Temple in Jinan, was appointed as the Precept Supervising Master. Other appointments include 解高慧 Xiè Gāohuì, Supervisor of Zixiao Palace on Mount Wudang, as Supervising Master of Discipline; 张信善 Zhāng Xìnshàn, Deputy Director of Zixiao Palace, as Master of Ceremonial Order; 秦清恒 Qín Qīnghéng, President of the Zibo Boshan Taoist Association, as Guiding Master of Rites; 李诚道 Lǐ Chéngdào from Cishengtang in Fengyuan, Taiwan, as Master of Scriptures; 杨诚化 Yáng Chénghuà as Master of Repentance; 刘诚勇 Liú Chéngyǒng, President of the German Taoist Association, as Master of Writings; 李宇谷 Lǐ Yǔgǔ, Head of Yuhuang Temple in Gangcheng, as Inviting Master; 胡清正 Hú Qīngzhèng, President of the Qingzhou Taoist Association, as Guiding Master of Praise; and 吴诚行 Wú Chéngxíng from Xuanshengdian in Taiwan as a special guest. The attending leaders issued appointment letters and master certificates to all Precept Altar Masters.

To promote international and cross-strait Taoist cultural exchanges, the Jinan Taoist Association specially invited 刘诚勇 Liú Chéngyǒng, President of the German Taoist Association, along with 李诚道 Lǐ Chéngdào, 杨诚化 Yáng Chénghuà, and 吴诚行 Wú Chéngxíng from Taiwan to participate in this lay precept ceremony. Through mutual learning and exchanges, they deepened their understanding of Taoist culture, reflecting the shared roots and blood ties between Taiwan and the mainland. This also promoted mutual respect and tolerance between different civilizations in China and Germany, adding rich international and cultural significance to the event.

The lay precept ceremony followed traditional Taoist rituals, including opening the altar, inviting water, raising banners, hanging notices, offering to the stove god, purifying the altar, three primal morning rites, blessing the heavens and earth, welcoming the masters, transmitting the precepts, passing through the hall, repentance bowing, granting certificates, sacrificing to the lonely souls, and offering food to the spirits. The altar was solemn and dignified, following the rituals in accordance with Taoist laws.

During the event, the masters gave teachings. They urged the lay disciples to firmly support the Party’s leadership, abide by the law, love the country and Taoism, and encouraged them to honor the Dao, uphold virtue, and remain true to their original intent of entering the Dao. The disciples were advised to focus on the precepts with dedication, make courageous efforts, and to adhere to the path of Taoism’s sinicization, while working to pass on and promote the outstanding culture of Taoism. The lay disciples listened attentively and devoutly, expressing their commitment to patriotism, proper faith, and cultivation in their future work and practices, and to contributing positively to the healthy and long-term development of Taoism in Jinan.

Original photos and text by Jinan Taoist Association

Written, translated and edit German Daoist Association

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