This year the first of 24 solarterms of the Chinese calendar falls on Feburary the 4th 2022. This day we call “Li Chun立春”.
“Li立” meaning a constructive beginning, sometimes still have cold winds, Spring´s Qi (气) of the Wood-Element is knocking on the door. This is called “Li立”.
Heaven and earth entering spring, humans follow heaven and earth, therefore establishing virtue (立德). Getting back the own body´s Yang Qi (阳气) means establishing life, straigthen out body and mind. Establishing the coming year´s good spirit, establishing the coming year´s Essence, Energy and Spirit (精气神).
The day of Li Chun is at the turn of the old and the new solarterm, and also when the old and new Tai Sui (太岁) handover.
Tai Sui (太岁) of 2022 is sitting in the North-East Mansion ( north-east direction). In the Morning of Li Chun bowing three time in the direction of North-East Mansion to worship coming year´s Tai Sui will bring blessings and good luck for the coming year. Not only people who “Provoke” Tai Sui this year, but everyone can receive blessings if they do so.
“Huang Di Nei Jing 黄帝内经” says: “Three months of Spring, this saying is transmitted from the past, heaven and earth are reborn, all things are in glory, lie down at night and get up early, walking in the court, cover the hair and relax the body, make life aspirational, birth but not death, giving but not taking, reward but not punish, this is the response to the spring energy and the way to maintain health. ”
Written and Translated by Daoist Liu Cheng Yong, German Daoist Association.